~ Do you want to be a broiler chicken farmer?
~Do you want to earn extra income?
~Do you want to work for yourself and become independent?
This is possible!!!!
Order your day old chicks from DAYOLD CHICKENS NAMIBIA and make your dreams come true.
Once your chicks are ordered and payment received, your day old chicks will be delivered to your doorstep.
It is so easy!
You will need start-up capital of roughly N$8500.00
Your chicks need-
- Good ventilation
- 24 hour access to food and clean water
- Regulated temperature
- A rearing pen the size of a double bed, with reasonable security to keep all predators out.
How can we help you?
- Order your bulletproof chicks from us
- All the feed for your chicks, for all stages of growth will be available.
- All the necessary drinkers/feeders, nesting material and infra lights to control body temperature will be stocked by us.
- We have all the expertise to assist you all the way with the process
- We can provide you with information and booklets to enhance your knowledge.
- Remember if you neglect them they will punish you in your pocket.
What you need to know?
You need to feed and grow them for +/-36 days then they will be ready to be sold.
These chicks won’t be active, and will only eat and grow.
Why is this important?
You need to create a market to sell your chicks
You can sell them at your local street market
They are fresh (no need for a refrigerator)
You have to order your next batch on day 14 of your current cycle
You have to properly disinfect your pen before your next consignment arrives
You cannot add small chicks to the bigger ones they will kill them.